Anything new or "probably mainly old" :) will be displayed here if you have anything that you wish to be displayed here, then let me know.
~*~First of all the contributors of this blog, if you did not already know should pick a name, something that suits you with one of these titles preceding it:
The Library, Librarian, or maybe even just Library

~*~Try to contribute regularly by writing reviews with pictures included of the recent read books that you just had to share; or even the ones that maybe were not your favorites, to warn other readers to stay away, or to encourage to read of course!
~*~ Perhaps we should have special days where everyone who is a contributor writes a post on here about a book that they are currently reading, whether or not they have finished it? What do you think of that? Comment on the Notice board post about any thoughts that you may have. This will have to be worked out in further detail. Any and many suggestions are welcome!
~*~ If you have any favorite books or book series that are not included in the "Favorite Books" box on the right hand side, please let me know and I will add them.
~*~ This is the blank spot for any other News you, my fellow worms would like to share, including any ideas that you may have for different things that could be done with or for this blog. :) I look forward to hearing from you soon.
~Librarian Serenity

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Oh Life

I am Sorry that I haven't written on here for a long time, considering all of the books that I've read, so to make up I will soon do two posts.
one for a whole series and the second for only one book.
hopefully you'll enjoy.
~Librarian Serenity